Disciplinary Actions
- General License Search
To view documents relating to disciplinary actions taken by the RCB, you may search by the individual's name or license number through the License Search.
- Request Disciplinary Documents
If documents are not available online for a discipline related matter, you may submit a Request for Disciplinary Documents.
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- Discipline Terminology
- Accusation
A legal document formally charging a licensee with a violation(s) of the Respiratory Care Practice Act, and notifying the public that a disciplinary action is pending against that licensee.
- Amended Accusation
Additional information or amendments have been made to a previously filed accusation.
- Cease Practice Order
The RCB has ordered the licensee not to practice as a respiratory care practitioner as the result of a violation of probation.
- Default Decision
A decision based on the licensee’s failure to respond to formal charges after it has been served, or failure to appear at an Administrative Hearing. All charges are deemed true. The decision results in the revocation of the license.
- Denial
The application for licensure as a respiratory care practitioner is denied.
- Disciplinary Order
An order for discipline adopted by the RCB.
- Effective Date of Decision
The date the disciplinary decision goes into operation.
- Interim Suspension Order (ISO)
An order issued by an Administrative Law Judge suspending a licensee from all or part of his or her respiratory care practice.
- PC 23
Under California Penal Code Section 23, during a criminal proceeding, a judge may order that a licensee be suspended from practice or restricted in how he or she may practice.
- Petition to Revoke Probation
A legal document filing charges to revoke a licensee’s probation for a violation(s) of the terms and conditions of his or her probation.
- Probation
Allows the licensee to practice as a respiratory care practitioner under terms and conditions for a set amount of time.
- Proposed Decision
A decision rendered by an Administrative Law Judge through an Administrative Hearing. A proposed decision must be adopted by the RCB before it can go into effect.
- Public Reprimand
A lessor form of discipline that can be negotiated after or in lieu of the filing of formal charges. The reprimand may include educational and clinical training requirements.
- Revoked
The right to practice is ended due to disciplinary action. The license is invalidated, voided, annulled, or rescinded. The individual can no longer practice as a respiratory care practitioner in California.
- Revoked, Stayed
“Stayed” means the revocation is postponed. Professional practice may continue so long as the licensee complies with specified terms and conditions of probation.
- Statement of Issues
A legal document formally charging an applicant for initial licensure with a violation(s) of the Respiratory Care Practice Act, and notifying the public that a disciplinary action is pending against the applicant.
- Stipulated Settlement
A form of plea bargaining. The case is formally negotiated and settled prior to a hearing.
- Stipulated Surrender
The RCB agrees to allow the licensee to surrender the license as a resolution to a disciplinary matter. The individual can no longer practice as a respiratory care practitioner in California.
- Suspension
The licensee is ordered not to practice as a respiratory care practitioner for a set or indefinite period of time. Suspensions may be imposed in disciplinary actions, prior to a probation term, or may be imposed as the result of a violation of probation.
- Accusation
- Enforcement History Web Retention Policy
- Decisions Resulting in Citation and/or Fine: The RCB will remove disciplinary information pertaining to final decisions resulting in a Citation and/or Fine five (5) years from the date the decision was effective including the resolution of any appeal or the date the fine was paid in full, whichever is the latter.
- Decisions Resulting in Public Reprimand: The RCB will consider the removal of disciplinary information pertaining to final decisions resulting in a Public Reprimand five (5) years from the date the decision was effective, or the date conditions were fulfilled, whichever is the latter.
- Decisions Resulting in Probation: The RCB will consider the removal of disciplinary information pertaining to final decisions resulting in Probation seven (7) years after the successful completion of probation, provided the person has paid all outstanding costs and no further violations have occurred.
Pursuant to the RCB's Enforcement History Web Retention Policy, the RCB will consider the removal of disciplinary information under specific conditions.
Decisions resulting in revocation or surrender are not eligible for removal. The RCB reserves the right to retain any administrative or disciplinary information on its website when it serves the public interest.
If you believe your public reprimand or probation decision may be eligible for removal, please contact us at rcbinfo@dca.ca.gov for further assistance.
Please note that even if information is removed from the website, it remains a matter of public record and may be provided upon request, in accordance with the California Public Records Act.
For more information, please view the full policy here.