Manage Your License

Address Change

Pursuant to California Code of Regulations section 1399.304, each person holding a license shall give the RCB written notice of an address change within 14 days of the change. You can update your address of record with the RCB online through your BreEZe account.

For assistance updating your address, you may utilize the Online Address Change Step-by-Step Instructions.

Name Change

You may submit name changes to the RCB online through your BreEZe account. To process a name change, you are required to submit photocopies of:

  • Current California's Driver's License or U.S. Issued Passport, showing the current name change
  • AND one of the following documents:

  • Marriage Certificate
  • Dissolution of Marriage
  • Certified Court Order

A courtesy replacement pocket card will be mailed to your address of record.

Name and Gender Change Notification and Request for Confidentiality (SB 372, 2023)

Effective January 1, 2024, under Business and Professions Code section 27.5, licensees may notify the licensing board or bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) of a name and/or gender change and request confidentiality of the previous name or gender information, when meeting certain specified requirements. For more information and to make a request, click here.

Renewal Deficiency

Failure to complete your license renewal completely will result in a hold being placed on your license renewal. In order to continue with processing your renewal, you must complete all highlighted sections on the Notice of Renewal Deficiency form and return it to the RCB in one of the following ways:

Once the completed form is received and you have satisfied all renewal requirements, your license will be renewed and your updated pocket card will be mailed to you within 2-3 business days.

Duplicate Pocket License or Wall Certificate

If you would like to purchase a duplicate pocket card or wall certificate, you may do so online through your BreEZe account.

Please note that there is a $25 charge each for both a pocket license and wall certificate.

For assistance requesting a duplicate pocket card or wall certificate, you may utilize the Online Duplicate Certificate Request Step-by-Step Instructions.

Inactive-to-Active Status

If your license is currently inactive and you would like to update it to active status, you must submit the Request for Active Status form and documentation showing completion of the required CE units. You may submit the required form and CE certificates to the RCB by:

Request for Retired Status

A licensee may request that his or her license be placed in a retired status at any time, provided the license has not been canceled, and any outstanding fines, cost recovery, and monthly probation monitoring costs are paid in full. An individual with retired status is not subject to any renewal or reporting requirements. Once an individual is placed on retired status, all privileges to practice respiratory care are permanently rescinded. If an individual practices with a retired license, the individual will be subject to discipline as prescribed by this chapter for the unlicensed practice of respiratory care.

To place your license in a retired status, you must complete the Request for Retired Status form and return it to the RCB in one of the following ways:

Please be advised that retired status is a permanent status meaning if you require a license in California again, you will need to reapply for a new license with the RCB and meet all current licensure requirements.

Verification of Licensure

If you are a California RCP and you are seeking licensure in another state requiring verification of your California license, you may request a verification of licensure online through your BreEZe account.

Please be advised there is a $25 fee per verification. The completed verification is mailed directly to the state board usually within ten business days and is not returned to the requester.

For assistance requesting a verification of licensure, you may utilize the Online Verification Letter Step-by-Step Instructions.

If the other state board has not received the verification within thirty days, please follow-up with the RCB at (916) 999-2190, or by email at