Disaster Response
Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA)
The EMSA is the backbone for disaster response in California. It is the lead agency responsible for coordinating California's medical response to disasters and provides medical resources to local governments in support of their disaster response. This may include the identification, acquisition and deployment of medical supplies and personnel from unaffected regions of the state to meet the needs of disaster victims. Response activities may also include arranging for evacuation of injured victims to hospitals in areas/regions not impacted by a disaster.
The medical response to disasters requires the contributions of many agencies. The EMS Authority works closely with the Governor's Office of Emergency Services, California National Guard, Department of Health Services and other local, state, and federal agencies to improve disaster preparedness and response. The EMS Authority also works closely with the private sector: hospitals, ambulance companies, and medical supply vendors.
Model State Emergency Health Powers Act
The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act grants public health powers to state and local public health authorities to ensure a strong, effective, and timely planning, prevention, and response mechanisms to public health emergencies (including bioterrorism) while also respecting individual rights. Developed by the Centers in collaboration with a host of partners, MSEHPA has been used by state and local legislators and health officials nationwide as a guide for considering public health law reform in their states.
Since its completion on December 21, 2001, the Centers has been tracking state legislative activity related to MSEHPA. As of July 15, 2006, the Act has been introduced in whole or part through 171 bills or resolutions in 44 states, the District of Columbia, and the Northern Mariannas Islands. Thirty-eight (38)states (including CA) have passed a total of 66 bills or resolutions that include provisions from or closely related to the Act.
LTV 1200 - Ventilator Training Material
In 2007, the State of California purchased and stockpiled 2,400 "Cardinal Health LTV 1200" ventilators for the purposes of disaster or emergency response. The following link provides training materials for professionally trained licensed respiratory care practitioners, as well as other health care personnel who have less training and experience in respiratory care. The material may be viewed for the purpose of education and training on the use of the Cardinal health LTV 1200 ventilator.
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